Principal, Planner
Brandon has 13 years of professional planning experience in consulting and the development sector. Brandon has a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, Honours Planning degree from the University of Waterloo, and is a Registered Professional Planner with the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and Canadian Institute of Planners.
Throughout his career, Brandon's focus has been facilitating the full range of planning approvals for development projects and undertaking planning due diligence/development feasibility analyses for development sites. These projects have included high-rise and mid-rise residential and mixed-use projects, master-planned communities, seniors housing projects, low-rise residential subdivisions, retail plazas and industrial facilities throughout the Greater Golden Horseshoe. In this capacity, Brandon coordinates large and diverse consultant teams, presents strong planning justifications in support of development projects, devises an approvals strategy to optimize the likelihood of approval and follow the most efficient possible approvals process, and ensures that developments are approved on schedule, allowing for construction to begin.
Brandon brings his prior experience in the development sector to all of his work, providing strategic advice on financial considerations (e.g. Development Charges), development feasibility and development schedules. This experience and focus with planning approvals also informs Brandon’s work supporting public sector planning projects, ensuring that new municipal plans support feasible development principles and private sector investment.
T: 416.975.1556 x242