Toronto, ON

The Don Valley Brick Works is one of the City’s most valued natural environment parks. The transformation of this former quarry site to a recreation amenity within a short ten-year period highlights the cooperation between government stakeholders and local citizens groups. The Planning Partnership team has been involved with this transformation through built projects, plans and studies which have helped shaped the Brick Works into the special place it is today.

In 2001 David Leinster, Michael Hough and Mark Taylor prepared the management plan for the Brick Works Park for the City of Toronto Parks Department. The strategy was based on an adaptive management approach that recognized that most of the areas of the site were evolving quite successfully, requiring only periodic interventions. The plan detailed management measures for each habitat type as well as maintenance recommendations for the broader site.

In 2003, while at Envision, David Leinster, Peter Heyblom and Michael Hough led the team of consultants on the Phase Two Implementation Plan which included detailed design and contract document preparation for a new entry sequence to the Brick Works Park. The project included a new connection to the beltline trail, an entry and arrival court, interpretation of brick making and off leash dog areas.

In 2006 The Planning Partnership (David Leinster and Michael Tocher) lead a team, which included Michael Hough, for the Brick Works Natural Heritage Impact Study and Enhancement Strategy. This study was prepared for Evergreen to identify the mitigation measures required to help integrate Evergreen Brick Works development with the site. This report also served as an update to the 2001 Management Plan. Most recently in 2008 The Planning Partnership completed a study looking at linkages between the Brick Works and the surrounding trails and natural areas.