Ottawa, ON

The Planning Partnership, in collaboration with Parsons, was retained by the City of Ottawa to conduct a Public Realm and Mobility Study in the Preston-Carling neighbourhood. Recent development and intensification interests in the area, combined with new transit investment in the O Train and a proposed BRT on Carling Avenue, presented an opportunity to re-envision the neighbourhood and plan for enhancements to the pedestrian realm, including the streets, parks, trails, and open spaces, and to improve cycling and pedestrian, transit and vehicular connectivity.   With an increase in the number of people anticipated in this already bustling part of the City, the plan incorporates new urban public spaces that will be implemented lock step with proposed development including public plazas and publicly owned public spaces (POPS). 

The Study process revolved around three phases and was grounded in a comprehensive approach to consultation that included stakeholder focus groups, meetings with a Technical Advisory Group, public workshops, and meetings with key stakeholders. Preston-Carling is a well-established neighbourhood in Ottawa (Little Itay), with a strong cultural history and many long-time residents and business owners. It was vital to the success of the Study that the community be involved in each step of the project.  This comprehensive consultation program resulted in a final plan that was supported by the City and the community, and will facilitate change throughout the urban neighbourhood for years to come.